Download TCC Minutes here (June 10, 2010)

TCC Minutes
Thursday, June 10, 2010
9:30 AM, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 4th floor conference room

In attendance: Alex Zhang, Barbara Rubel, Chin-Wen Lee, Chutze Chou, David Moy, Enoch Liao, Felix Arroyo, Kate Chang, Kun Chang, Kye Liang, Natalie Ornell, Sherry Dong, Stephanie Chin, Sue Kim, Sunny Schwartz

I. Refreshments, Welcome, Introductions

II. City Councilor Felix Arroyo, at-large city councilor

– Updates:

  • Firefighters issue – after 4 years of some worse relations, saw union give back over 40 million.
  • Focus on youth & youth development issues. Proud to coach young kids. Seeing programs for youth being cut.
  • Focus on libraries, youth, summer jobs.
  • Issue on banking. Arroyo believes Boston funds should only go to banks that invest in Boston.
  • Coalition starting around asthma.
  • Lesson government officials need to learn is not fiscal realities, but making process and timeline more reasonable.

– Hear issues for Chinatown:

  • Elderly concerns.

III. Parcel 24 Update, Alex Zhang, Asian Community Development Corporation

– Called in. Prepping to go in and apply for Department Neighborhood Development funding round (just for rentals). Still hoping for 50% affordable. Will go through community again to ask for support.

IV. TCC Staffing Discussion

– Wrote grant to CTF to increase capacity. Elaine wrote grant but some good input from Exec.
– Might delay start to fall, OK’d by Bill Moy.
– Please give Exec input on drafting and structuring staff.
– David Moy’s comments (CTF)

  • Money almost gone
  • BRA ok’d supporting some EEC and other operational grants with another approx. million dollars.
  • Trust probably meets only 2x / year.
  • Coming out with proposed RFP for community input

– David Moy’s comments (Hyams)

  • Bigger push for broader community-wide partnerships in recent years.
  • But Chinatown doing that for years since 1990 but largely unknown by private funding community.
  • Encourage Chinatown to go out there.

V. Announcements, Updates, and Kaffeeklatsch

  1. Preview of next meeting’s topics
  2. Safety Committee (via Barbara Rubel)
  3. Other Announcements
  • Saturday, June 26, 1-3pm – Final Master Plan meeting to announce results.
  • TCC on break in August.

Next meeting: Thursday, July 8, 2010 @ BCNC 4th floor Conference Room.