Download TCC 2010-10-14 Minutes
Thursday, October 14th, 2010
9:30 AM, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 4th Floor
Attendance: Barbara Rubel, Beverly Wing, Cindy Zhang, Colette Randal, David Sokoler, Dennis Lui, Elaine Ng, Emily Wu, Fred Bennet, Kate Chang, Kun Chang, Kye Liang, Lisa, Lisette Le, Marion, Monica, Nicole Tambouret, Norman Eng, Samuel Tsoi, Sherry Dong, Shirley Mark, So Yee, Sue Kim, Sunny Schwartz, Suzanne Hinton, Vincent Gonzalez
I. Refreshments, Welcome, and Introductions
II. Institute of Contemporary Art, Colette Randal
• Institute of Contemporary Art has been in its current location for ~5 years, with 10-12 exhibitions/year, theater by the waterfront, and a family activity space on the 1st floor.
• Presented on events held at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Fall of 2010, including:
o ICA Play Dates – Last Saturday of each month, specialized events for free for families. For more information, e-mail or call Kathlee Lomatoski at (617) 478-3134
o Classes and events specialized for teens are offered. For details, visit
o Brochure distributed with additional information
III. Immigration Forum, Sam Tsoi, MIRA Coalition
• Presented demographic information on immigrants with more specific information on Asian-American immigrants in the U.S. and Massachusetts
o As of 2008, 37,960,935 foreign-born residents in the U.S. (12.5% of population)
o As of 2008, 919,771 immigrants in MA (14.2% of population)
o Presented on economic footprint of immigrants, inc. being 17% of the state’s workforce and 35% of Boston’s, $1.2M in income taxes
o Largest concentrations in local cities being in Chelsea, Lawrence, Somerville, Cambridge, and Boston
o Overview of immigration policies in the US including the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that wasn’t repealed until 1943, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments, and Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
o Long wait-list in particular for China, India, Mexico, and Phillipines, last of which has categorical wait-lists extending until 1987 applications
o Stating that Temporary Protected Status is granted to nationals of foreign countries who are presently in the U.S. in the case of an on-going armed conflict, natural disaster, and extraordinary temporary conditions, and lasts for 6, 12, 18 months.
o Emphasis on DREAM act, that would provide a path to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants who pass two years of college or enroll in military, was not passed when bundled with military spending bill, will be put forth on its own in near future.
o Emphasis on Commonwealth Care providing access to the state’s ‘public option’ health insurance, that immigrants have had their services terminated on 8/31. Number have shifted to CeltiCare, which provide ‘less adequate’ services. Seeking people with stories who can testify for a bill to provide Commonwealth Care, expected to be voted on soon. For information, contact Samuel Tsoi at MIRA, 617-350-5480 x216 or at
IV. Congressman Michael E. Capuano
• Identifies a shift from policy to politics in the past month
• Feels that the level of corruption in Massachusetts is low, if there is little reported by a District Attorney running for office that would find all that they can
• Feels that the TARP worked, that “no one liked doing it”, but that it was a choice between “perfect and nothing” or “imperfect and something”
• Supports Duval Patrick for Governor. Difficult to bring people content about status quo to the voting booth. Believes ‘Charlie Baker is not a bad man’, but does ‘not agree with his policies’.
• Feels that “people should have discussions on important issues instead of stupid discussions about divisive issues”. To ‘put votes or legislation on the floor’ instead of only talking.
• Feels that the stimulus as a whole worked, but that it does not visibly display the net effect, as it ‘saved jobs’ instead of doing as much ‘job creation’, resulting in the effects being less tangible, that “no one knows that their job is saved”. Feels that he would have encouraged more ‘job creation’ in the stimulus. That the stimulus affects MA $2B per anum. Class sizes in Boston were maintained the same size as a result of the stimulus.
• States that Democrats act like cats and Republicans act like a ‘pack of dogs’ in terms of enforcing a message.
• Does not feel much legislation would be passed during the lame duck session, except with the possibility of a middle-class tax cut.
V. Announcements, Updates, and Kaffeeklatsch
-Preview of next meeting’s topics
-Update of hiring process for TCC staff – currently conducting interviews of qualified applicants
-CNC Safety Committee Report, Barbara Rubel
-AAPIP 20th Anniversary Celebration, Oct. 20th @ BCNC. See
-BRA Public Meeting for Notice of Project Change for “The Kensington” (659-679 Washington Street) on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 at 6:00 PM at the Metropolitan Community Room. Questions/Comments should be addressed to Tai Lim, BRA Senior Project Manager (
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 18th, 9:30 AM @ BCNC 4th floor Conference Room
NOTE: Date Change due to Veteran’s Day holiday on November 11th.