Notes from the TCC October 13 meeting:

1. Elliot Laffer, Executive Director of the Boston Groundwater Trust gave an overview and history of groundwater in Boston and how this affects communities in Chinatown, South End, Bay Village, and Beacon Hill. Many of these communities are land-fill and buildings are supported by wooden pilings. Overtime, groundwater levels drop and exposes the pilings. The exposed pilings combine with oxygen and bacteria may cause damage to the pilings. The Boston Groundwater Trust works with the City to ensure that groundwater levels are adequate and checks on the well system in the area. Presentation available here for download: Groundwater issues in Chinatown.

2. Jon Lenicheck, District Director, Office of Congressman Michael E. Capuano, talks about redistricting and how this impacts local communities. Redistricting occurs every decade to balance population representation at U.S. House of Representatives. While Massachusetts population grew the last decade, the state did not grow fast enough compared to other states. District lines will need to be redrawn. Hearings have been held throughout the year and the goal is complete the process by January 2012.

3. Holly St. Clair, Director of Data Services, Metropolitan Area Planning Council, presents Census 2010 data and the growth of the Asian population in Massachusetts and Chinatown. A copy of the presentation is available here: Census 2010 Asian Trends – MAPC

– Kensington groundbreaking Oct 14 2pm
– Parcel 24 Funding Announcement Oct 17 9am
– Beach Street closed due to falling debris from building facade. National Development will be at Chinatown Neighborhood Council Oct 17th 6pm to update community.
– Alice Leung introduced herself as new staff for Cultural Center. Ms. Leung is working on opening a reading room at Oak Terrace 888 Washington Street.