Asthma Awareness Fair at Tufts Medical Center

ASTHMA AWARENESS FAIR In recognition of Asthma Awareness Month (coming up in May), the Asthma Prevention and Management Initiative (APMI), an initiative of Community Health Improvement Programs department at Tufts Medical Center, is organizing several asthma awareness...

Minutes: April 2014 TCC Meeting

Meeting of The Chinatown Coalition (TCC) Thursday, April 10, 2014 (For PDF version, click here) Attendees: Barbara Rubel, Jessie Zimmerer, Ayanna Pressley, Joan Abbot, Vivien Wu, Chutze Chou, Kun Chang, Nancy Liu, Ziyu Zhou, Sherry Dong, Carolyn Rubin, Jesse...

April 2014 Meeting of TCC

The next meeting of The Chinatown Coalition takes place on Thursday, April 10, 2014. All are welcome. Location: Conference Room, 4th Floor, 38 Ash Street (Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc.) Time: 9:30-11:00am Agenda Introduction & Welcome Legislative...