To all Families and Friends of South Cove Manor,
During these unprecedented times, keeping people informed with accurate information is essential. I wanted to provide all of you with an update as to how South Cove Manor is working incredibly hard to keep our residents and staff safe.
As of the writing of this letter, we have sent out 12 tests on residents that had shown signs or symptoms of Covid-19. Thankfully, 10 of those tests have come back negative, while 2 tests are still outstanding. At this point, we do not have any positive cases of the virus amongst our residents or staff members. Please rest assured that should this change, we will notify the entire South Cove Manor Family immediately.
We receive constant guidance and updates form the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH). We follow the current guidance and regulations to the letter at all times. Some notable guidance that we are following:
- No group Activities.
- No communal dining; residents eat meals on individual tables, and are at least 6 feet apart
- Staff members wear masks at all times while in the building.
- Residents that show signs or symptoms of Covid-19 are immediately tested, and isolated until test results are received.
- Consistent staff are assigned to care for residents, thereby limiting the number of interactions and potential exposures.
- Access to the building is limited to the front door only.
- All staff members are screened for signs or symptoms, including temperature checks, upon their arrival to the building.
Another topic that I wanted to update everyone on is the supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). I know the shortage of PPE has been widely publicized in the media, and while South Cove Manor is not immune to this shortage, we are in a much better situation than many healthcare facilities. The reason for that is due to many of YOU that are reading this letter. The community support we have received in the form of PPE donations has been nothing short of amazing. We have received close to 10,000 surgical masks from organizations, businesses, family members, and random, individual people – many of whom had no prior connection to South Cove Manor. These donations have allowed us to keep our staff and residents safe, and we are eternally grateful to all of you. In addition, we have received assistance from DPH when we’ve asked for it, including a supply of KN95 masks made possible by Robert Kraft and the New England Patriots. I want to say a special note of thanks to South Cove Community Health Center, who has always been a tremendous friend and resource to our organization, and especially during this crisis.
Finally, I would be remiss in not recognizing our outstanding staff at South Cove. The vast majority of our staff have continued to provide the high level of care that we are known for. They come to work every day knowing that they play a vital role in protecting our residents from this virus, and we could not be more proud of the work that they do. We are doing everything we can to keep them safe, and we continue to provide special recognition and thank them whenever possible. We have received several questions from family members asking about ways that they could provide thank yous to our staff. We ask that if you would like to recognize our staff for the tremendous job they are doing, that you contact Li Chen our administrator, or Carrie Peck, our executive assistant about donations.
Thank you all, and please stay safe.