Click here to download December Minutes (doc)

TCC Meeting Notes:
December 11, 2008

9:00 AM, meeting at Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center

Attendees: Anna Tse, Barbara Rubel, Carrie Tang, Chutze Chou, David Moy, Debbie Ho, Dennis Lui, Elaine Ng, Enoch Liao, Janelle Chan, Kerry McGowan, Kevin Peng, Lisa Chice, Lisette Le, Marie Moy, Richard Goldberg, Sarah Cluggish, Sherry Dong, Shirley Mark, Stephanie Fan, Sue Kim, Thomas Lee

Agenda Items

Outcomes/Action Items

I. Refreshments, Welcome, Introductions

II. TCC’s Historical Context & Perspective with Founding member David Moy (formerly BCNC Executive Director, current Program Officer at the Hyams Foundation)

· 1990 or 1991 – Started talking about The Chinatown Coalition when he first came back to Chinatown in the economic downturn cycle.

· Create coalitions so communities could collaborate on how to use funding, how to make the community healthy.

· Got funding for 2-3 years’ operations to work with youth and families.

· TCC kept meeting monthly, but it was more important than money. First time in Chinatown organization history to bring organizations together, and brought in institutions (NEMC, Tufts, etc.) but they didn’t get a voice / vote.

· Over time, this built up trust.

· Over time, mini-grants, assessment of Asian youth, etc. Basically, things happened through the trust that would not otherwise have happened. And people had questioned why Chinatown couldn’t get it together.

· Compared to Jamaica Plain, David saw many divisions, in-fighting, etc. It took almost 2 decades of work to build this trust.

Moving forward, what’s going to happen?

· Economically, worse than previous cycles – deeper cuts, so organizations are going into survival mode.

· But it’s different because groups are actually talking with each other.

· Many government services / funds have been cut. Foundations are losing one-third of their endowments.

· Suggest letting funders know what’s going on. Otherwise, they won’t be thinking of you, or they’ll assume you’re okay.

· Foundations calling for strategic alliances and mergers to save costs. But that only works with groups that have trust. Foundations need to put money into technical assistance for groups to explore this.

· Coalitions also discussing changes in public policy – e.g. rising costs for health care have re-surfaced discussions of group health insurance like the trade unions.

· Foundations also need to put funds into Public Policy discussion.

· Other benefits:

Coming back from the State House to encourage people to call legislators.

Large list of organizations / coalitions is harder for politicians to ignore.

· Two more things:

1. As you make staff cuts, reserve some funds / staff for organizing, otherwise you’ll be lost behind funding.

2. Keep donors personally involved and updated.

Giving from individual donors, especially since they give out of a passion for the cause; and they usually keep giving as long as they have jobs!

These folks are not only pockets of money, but partners. They need to be part of the organizing effort, contacting legislatures, etc.

3. Developing younger leaders – like Thomas Lee – who rise up and get opportunities.

TCC gives opportunities to younger leaders to get broader experience and exposure.

Thomas Lee: TCC can be a place to collaborate, discuss issues. Different elements of Chinatown claiming to speak for the community. TCC tries to be a place to discuss this with civility.

Debbie Ho: You need to advocate to non-profits to get them to come out to meetings to get more power and influence. Honestly, there are a lot more organizations out there that could use / benefit from TCC.

David Moy is also the co-chair of Asian-Americans in philanthropy. David proposes regional hearings to discuss / find the impact of the economy on Asian non-profits. Ask: what’s happened to your organization, your services, your constituents? Convene either in Chinatown or Boston city Asian-American non-profits.

Shirley Mark: Non-profit Congress. Non-profit Strategy Group: MA Non-Profit Network.

Stephanie Fan: Developing Charismatic Non-profit Organizations. The Charismatic Organization by Deborah Jospin. Can come do a workshop for free since Chinatown is a partner of Tufts University.

III. Tufts University Institutional Master Plan update

Meeting by BRA tonight (December 11, 2008) at 6:00 PM at Posner Hall Auditorium for more information.

Master Plan now includes entire Health-Science Campus. But no new projects from 1993 plan.

a. Will convert part of Posner parking into open green space for the foreseeable future. But in the long-term it will be a building.

b. Signage and kiosks for campus.

c. Windows, brick of buildings on Harrison Ave face.

Stephanie Fan requests Tufts consider first floor of R1 site for library.

d. Comment period for Master Plan amendment: address letter to Katelyn Sullivan at or mail to:

Katelyn Sullivan, BRA, One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201.

e. For a copy of the Chinatown Community Report in both English and Chinese, contact Tufts Office of Community Relations (617) 627-3780.

IV. The State of the Economy: Discussion of financial impacts for community service providers

Discuss – convene Asian American non-profits to hold a hearing to assess the impact on the economy.

V. Announcements:

  1. AACA has a new website for communicating at work:
  2. City Council hearings on bilingual ballot on Monday, December 15 at 10:00 AM on new Home Rule Petition.
  3. Chinese Historical Society of New England exhibit at Radcliffe still on, and will try to move it to Chinatown.
  4. Mayor wants to put $40 million into Filene’s and Kensington. Consider calling city and learning more about this.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 8, 2008 @ BCNC 4th floor Conference Room