Announcement from Lisette Le of Chinese Progressive Association:
The Massachusetts
Asian American Vote 2008
During the 2008 Presidential Elections, over 1,170 Asian American voters in Boston’s Chinatown, Dorchester, Quincy, Malden, and Lowell participated in the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund’s (AALDEF) multilingual exit poll. The exit poll was the largest nonpartisan survey of its kind in the nation and was conducted in twelve Asian languages and English across 39 cities in 11 states.
The exit poll reveals vital information about Asian American voting patterns that is often overlooked in mainstream voter surveys. At this special presentation, comparative information will be given about the Asian American vote in the Presidential election, concerns about key issues, first-time voters, and profiles of the Asian American vote by ethnicity, nativity, party enrollment, age, and English proficiency.
Monday, June 8, 2009
12 Noon to 1:30 PM
Bingham McCutchen
One Federal Street
Boston, MA
- OR -
5:30 to 7:00 PM
ONE Lowell
9 Central Street, Suite 203
Lowell, MA
The same presentation will be given at both locations.
Come to the presentation that is most convenient for you.
RSVP to 800.966.5946 x217 or