TCC Minutes
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9:30 AM, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 4th floor conference room
In attendance: Andrea Talis, Sue Kim, Kerry McGowan, Richard Goldberg, Kye Liang, Leslie Davol, Sam Davol, Dennis Lui, Kate Chang, Norman Eng, Lydia Lowe, Samuel Tsoi, Chutze Chou, Barbara Rubel, Janice Wong, Shirley Mark, Enoch Liao, Sherry Dong, Megan Cheung, Chin Wen Lee, Kun Chang, Bill Moy, Kaili Xu
I. Refreshments, Welcome, & Introductions
II. Boston Storefront Library Update, Leslie Davol
-Opening October 15th at Archstone
-Will be at the space that was formerly occupied by the W Hotel staff fair at the base of the Archstone Building on Washington Street, approximately 3,000 square feet in size.
-Library modules presently on display at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
-The workstation area will have Pen Power styluses in order to allow for Chinese input.
-It is examining programs presently such as a story hour run by BCNC.
-Currently accepting donations in the form of both materials and cash, materials in the form of browsable items such as non-fiction, current/recent periodicals, and children’s books.
-Hours are Tuesday to Friday 8-10 AM and 4-7 PM, and Saturday from 10 AM to 5 PM.
-Details can be found at
III. H1N1 Information and Discussion, Dr. Shira Doron, M.D. Tufts Medical Center Division of Geographic Medicine & Infectious Diseases
-Large affects people under the age of 24 and persists in warm weather, unlike the typical flu.
-Has a 1-7 day incubation and infects from 1 day before to roughly 7 days after a fever.
-Spreads through respiratory droplets, cough/sneeze (6 foot range), physical contact, and inanimate objects (for a few hours).
-Businesses should prepare contingency plans in case of such absences, update sick policies, and allow parents to stay home with sick children.
-People should stay home until 24 hours after the fever resolves.
-In the workplace, signage/reminders of hygiene etiquette, tissues, no-touch trash receptacles, always-available hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes available to employees can be helpful. Disinfect high-touch areas such as communal computers/phones, elevator buttons, and door handles.
-Seasonal flu vaccine is recommended for children, people who work with children, those who are pregnant or over 65. One cannot get the flu from the vaccine, though the safety of the flu vaccine is uncertain.
-The CDC recommends flu vaccines for children over 6 months of age. Expect daily health checks on students. Staff and children should stay home until 24 hours after resolution of the flu. Expect some school closures.
IV. TCC Discussion Topic Brainstorming
-What is important to your organization right now?
Action Item: Postponed until October meeting due to time constraints.
V. Announcements, Updates, and Kaffeeklatsch
A. Preview of next meeting’s topics
B. Safety Committee (via Barbara Rubel)
Other announcements:
-Andrea Talis from Tufts Medical Center announced a Clinic Research Education Day called Aware for All on Saturday, October 3rd, running from 10 AM to 2 PM to be held in the main atrium of Tufts Medical Center at 800 Washington Street. Events include health screenings, workshops, and exhibits. For more information, call (877) 633-4376 or visit
-Richard Goldberg of Asian American Civic Association released a ‘final’ draft of English as a Second Language (ESL) opportunities available in Chinatown, the Chinatown Educational Pathway chart.
-Kye Liang announced a Chinatown Master Plan meeting slated for Wednesday, September 30th, to be held from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Metropolitan Meeting Room.
-Flyers were distributed for the 24th Annual Oak Street Fair run by Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, which will be held on Saturday, September 26th from 11 AM to 3 PM. It will be at the Josiah Quincy School Playground and Oak Street. Events include a watermelon eating contest, children’s performances, health/dental screenings, games/activities, and Wally the Green Monster. For more information, call (617) 635-5129 or visit In addition, there is a health fair on the same date at 10 AM to 2 PM at the Tufts Medical Center Atrium. Further details will be posted on the TCC website.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 8, 9:30 AM @ BCNC 4th floor Conference Room