Tufts MC moved its COVID-19 screening clinic across the street to the school after extensive talks with the City of Boston. The added space allows five times the number of people to be screened each day. Lab processing is performed at the Medical Center and results are available within 2 days. By moving its clinic to the new location, Tufts MC will be able to increase our capacity to treat emergency room patients which will help handle a surge of cases that is anticipated by the state this month.

Tufts Medical Center has partnered with the City of Boston and Boston Public Schools to do our part to broaden testing soon as possible. We believe this will benefit not only our city, but Chinatown residents will directly benefit as they will be able to be tested right here, in their neighborhood, whether they are traditionally a Tufts MC patient or not. The safety of everyone in our community was, and continues to be, top of mind as the site was developed, ensuring strict safety protocols, rigorous infection prevention and control procedures, and the same thorough daily cleaning measures taken at the Medical Center. See our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Hours of Operation:

The screening site is open:

Monday – Friday 7 am – 7 pm
Saturday and Sunday – 7 am – 5 pm

Criteria for testing

You must have fever or signs and symptoms of respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose) and meet the following criteria to be eligible to test for COVID-19:

  • A healthcare provider or EMT who has symptoms and has worked directly with patients.
  • Close contact to confirmed COVID-19 case in group settings.
  • History of domestic travel within last 14 days to CDC Level 3 location with known community transmission (e.g., King County WA; Westchester, NY; Solano, CA).
  • A history of international travel to CDC Level 3 country or location within 14 days of having symptoms.
  • At risk due to advanced age (>60 years old) or co-morbidity.
  • Part of a cluster of acute respiratory illness in group setting.
  • In close (household) contact of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

For more details and up to date information, please go here.