TCC Agenda - October 11 @ 9:30am

Welcome & Introductions Introduction and Discussion with Marty Martinez, City of Boston Chief of Health and Human Services Introduction of Danchen Xu, City of Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Liaison Announcements This is a reminder that TCC will be holding its next...

September Meeting Cancelled

Due to an unforeseen emergency, our main presenter for this month needs to reschedule their presentation. We apologize for any inconvenience. We hope you will join us for our next meeting Thursday, October 11.9:30AM. We will be joined by Marty Martinez, Chief of...

TCC Social for June 2018

This month we will be holding a social in place of our regularly scheduled meeting to celebrate the start of the summer and to build relationships with each other! Date: June 11, 2018 Time: 4:30-6:00pm Location: Pao Arts Center, 99 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02111....

TCC Agenda for May 10, 2018

Welcome & Introductions AC Marriott update Ed Flynn Boston City Councilor legislative update Mass Memories Road Show: Chinese American Experiences (Chinese Historical Society of New England) Asian Health Initiative: Smoking Cessation & Education (Golden Age...

TCC Agenda for April 8, 2018

Welcome & Introductions Joint Planned Development Area presentation by Boston Chinese Evangelical Church Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association The Davis Company Presentation on Community Perspectives on Parcel R1: Students from Tufts MPH & Carolyn Rubin...